Monologues and Quests
A photo album edition 2017
I never considered photography as a means to make a living, not until I turned 30 when I had the joyous opportunity to become introduced to it. From the beginning I sensed the kind of relationship one can develop with photography by approaching it as a form of Art. A relationship that starts as a playful and enthusiastic flirt in order to end up being a deep and profound love.
In the course of engaging with the art of photography I always posed the following question to myself by way of internal monologue: Is there some reason in particular why I take photographs? Is it perhaps in order to have a nice hobby for my time to pass constructively? Does it have anything to do with creativity as such, in order to satisfy my vanity? Or am I being guided deep inside by my being itself in search of my very own soul, in search of my salvation? Could it be that the child in me has never grown up and seeks to discover the world through a different glance, using different means and points of view, simply wishing to leave behind its own trace in this life? Just like when we used to carve our initials on the trunk of a tree after an excursion in the countryside or when we used to write slogans on a neighbourhood wall? Or when we used to create holes in the soil as children believing we had discovered something significant and that we thus got to know the world? Life explorers through childhood quests in the past. Life explorer with a camera in hand in the present.
To conclude, all the above suggests that the quest is for my very soul. Something we are all called upon to do in this life, each of us in his/her own way. It is a quest of our own self, of our complex inner world. That which is deeply hidden at the core of our soul where we have to scratch until we bleed, to shake its foundations in order to awaken it, feel it, understand it, become acquainted with it. I don’t know if I will manage to find answers to all these questions, in all these quests. What I do know and I can say with certainty is that every photograph I take is a reflection of myself. I also know that I am addicted to what I do. It is the catalyst in shaping my personality, the way I filter and how I interpret life in general. One proceeds with that until the end which is none other than salvation. As a great Greek author once said: “For Death to find a bundle of bones when he comes to get me”.