Cyprus’s Refugees
Cyprus 2003-today
Since the Turkish invasion in Cyprus in 1974 and the opening of the checkpoints along the “Green Line” in April 2003, the refugees are having a liturgy at their churches in the occupied side for the first time. Greek Cypriots have the Christian Orthodox faith deeply rooted in them, which characterizes them as people and society. Great bitterness is what they feel seeing their churches pillaged and ruined by the Turkish conqueror.
Feelings are mixed both for them and me as a Greek Cypriot. The photographic result could not be unaffected by the effect the very event had on myself.
The atmosphere is heavy; the pervasive indignation felt by the invaded, the intense emotion during the liturgy, along with fear by the presence of the regime’s secret police everywhere as well as many curious Turks.
* All photos they belong to a long-term project under the title “Lost HomeLand” and refers to the occupied Cyprus.